Success Rates

Thaw Survival Rate: Oocyte 95% / Embryos 98%

Upon de-freezing the eggs or embryos after being frozen in liquid nitrogen for years, the number of gametes (eggs or embryos) that are still viable after thaw is an average of 95%. This applies when we thaw embryos in preparation for transfer (only thaw 1 or 2 at a time depending on the patient’s plan) or when we thaw frozen eggs for fertilization.

Fertilization Rate: 97%

In IVF, after the eggs are retrieved, the mature eggs are exogenously inseminated with the partner’s sperms in a petri dish and they are checked in an average of 24 hours for fertilization. At our lab, the fertilization rate is an average of 97%. Only mature eggs can be fertilized and the maturation rate is an average of 87%. A higher fertilization rate yields a higher chance of having more embryos available for embryo transfer/biopsy and hence a potential increase in the pregnancy rate.

Blastulation Rate: 60%

Following fertilization, the developed embryos are cultured in a special media for three days. On the third day, the embryos are checked for grading and they are placed in an extended culture media until day 5/6. This is when the embryo reaches a stage called blastocyst needed before an embryo transfer or Biopsy/Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT). A blastocyst is generally seen as a viable embryo with a higher implantation rate. At NYC IVF, the percentage of embryos that reach that blastocyst stage is an average of 60%.

PGT/ET Success Results:  82%

Pregnancy success rates after embryo transfer of a chromosomally normal tested embryo (Euploid) is an average 82%. After we biopsy the embryos for PGT, the embryos are frozen the same day of the biopsy. The PGT results are usually back within a week.

For example, if 10 embryos were biopsied and 30% came back normal (3 chromosomally normal embryos), the success rate of transferring each of these “normal” embryos is on average 82% for each embryo.

If you do a transfer without PGT, the success rate is mainly based on the maternal age at the time of retrieval. The average success rate is 48% in women aged 35 and younger, and 12% for women older than 42 years of age. This demonstrates the significance of age on the quality of the embryos. Thus it is recommended to proceed with Biopsy/PGT after the age of 38. Pros and Cons of PGT at different age groups is thoroughly discussed with Dr Elassar during your visit.

Biopsy Efficiency Rate For PGT: 95%

The number of biopsied cells from the embryo sent to the lab is usually sufficient for testing without the need to repeat the biopsy in 95% of cases.

For PGT, the embryologist takes an average of 4-6 cells from the outer cell mass of the embryo. The embryo is then frozen and the biopsied cells are sent out to the appropriate testing facility. If there aren’t enough cells and hence DNA to determine if they are chromosomally normal, the result can come back as “undetermined” meaning the biopsy needs to be done again for that specific embryo. This is undesirable because the embryologist would have to thaw, re-biopsy and re-Freeze the embryo. This can be detrimental for the embryo and can affect the potential for implantation. At NYC IVF, we thoroughly counsel patients on whether to rebiopsy or not.

Success Rates Chart

  • Thaw Survival Rate: Oocyte (Eggs) 95% 95%
  • Thaw Survival Rate: Oocyte 75% 75%
  • Blastulation Rate 60% 60%
  • Blastulation Rate 25% 25%
  • Thaw Survival Rate: Embryos 98% 98%
  • Thaw Survival Rate: Embryos 75% 75%
  • PGT/ET Success Results 82% 82%
  • PGT/ET Success Results 60% 60%
  • Fertilization Rate 97% 97%
  • Fertilization Rate 80% 80%
  • Biopsy for PGT 95% 95%
  • Biopsy for PGT N/A% N/A%
  • Live-birth Success Rate 91% 91%
  • 50% 50%

Patients are 2x as likely to get pregnant with NYC IVF

*Data is based off of 2023 results for our clinic and the latest SART national average report (2021).