There is no harm in consulting with a reproductive endocrinologist at any time. If you are concerned about your reproductive age (ovarian reserve), effects of PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, or any fertility issue, you should seek consultation. Additionally, preconception counseling and labs may reveal abnormalities that can be treated or prevented from being transmitted to the baby.
Prior to your first fertility consultation, we want you to feel fully informed and prepared. We know that good preparation can help you get the most from your fertility consultation and help us better understand your needs. The NYC IVF team is available to you at any time before your first visit to answer questions by phone or email.
When you arrive for your appointment, you’ll be taken back to a private consultation room. The first fertility consultation typically takes about 90 minutes. Before making any treatment decisions, we’ll need to complete all required testing, including sperm analysis, testing for tubal patency (HSG), and tests for ovarian reserve. Additional prenatal tests, including reproductive hormone assay, infectious disease profile, and genetic screening, should also be completed before attempting to conceive
We begin with a structured consultation with a reproductive endocrinologist that takes around 90 minutes. This includes:
- Reviewing past medical history related to ovarian, tubal and male factors of infertility as well as medical, surgical and personal histories. Detailed family and genetic history is essential to identify and possibly test for risk factors of genetic disease in the newborn.
- General, abdominal and pelvic examination
- Pelvic ultrasound to detect abnormalities in the uterus, ovaries and the pelvis and estimate ovarian reserve-antral follicle count
- Explanation of the required tests to determine ovarian reserve, male and tubal factors, as well as prenatal tests required of any woman attempting to conceive
- Outlining of a provisional plan for investigation and treatment of infertility
- All required tests can be finalized within 1-2 weeks, enabling the patient to make informed decisions about the next step in fertility treatment
After Consultation
Before making any treatment decisions, we will wait for the results of the required investigation, including sperm analysis, test for tubal patency (HSG), and tests for ovarian reserve. Prenatal tests before attempting to conceive, including reproductive hormone assay, infectious disease profile, and genetic screening tests.
We then schedule a follow-up visit or call with your reproductive endocrinologist to review the results of the tests. Based on these results, treatment plans can be finalized.
Five points to consider before starting treatment
- Time commitment: Fertility treatment may require multiple visits over several months, we will work with your schedule to keep time off work minimal
- Cost and resources available to help you
- Potential undesired outcome (e.g. multiple pregnancy, failed cycles)
- Risk of pregnancy in older women and those with medical disorders
- Potential surgery required (e.g. removal of polyps or fibroids)
- Treatment cycle, type of medications, self administration of medication